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Renewable heat is simply heat (rather than electricity) produced using renewable sources. Technologies for doing so include:

  • Biomass
  • Ground source heat pumps
  • Solar water heating
  • Geothermal aquifers
  • Energy from waste
  • Anaerobic digestion
  • Landfill gas
  • Fossil-fuel fired CHP (Combined Heat and Power)

Scottish Executive pledge ambitious target for 'renewable heat' generation, February 8 2006[]

The Executive is committed to the generation of 18 per cent of electricity by 2010, rising to 40 per cent by 2020. A study by Edinburgh University, published yesterday, confirmed that the Executive's target is achievable.

Friends of the Earth Scotland have welcomed the announcement, arguing that "Boosting our use of renewable heat would also further undermine any moves to revive polluting nuclear power." They also argue against heat generated by the incineration of rubbish receiving any incentives, as it would undermine Executive pledges to encourage waste recycling and generate toxic air pollution.

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